Elden Ring

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Released 24 February, 2022
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Publisher BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Version 1.0

About Elden Ring

Elden Ring - A Dark, Gritty, Action-Packed RPG

Embark On a Gripping Adventure Through the Realm of the Lands Between!



An Exciting New Action RPG

With so many games released every day, quality role-playing games that are expansive and immersive don't come along often. Elden Ring is one of the newest additions to the genre and has proven to rise to the top.

Developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, the fantasy action RPG is available for PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

With direction from Hidetaka Miyazaki and collaboration from famed fantasy author George R.R. Martin, Elden Ring promises players a deep, cinematic souls-like adventure.


Elden Ring | Credit: FromSoftware and Bandai Namco Entertainment


Entering the Lands Between

Elden Ring takes place in a mysterious mythical world called the Lands Between. The titular Elden Ring was destroyed, and its shards, the Great Runes, have been scattered across the land. Corrupted demigods rule Lands Between, all of whom are imbued with great and terrible power through possessing one of the Great Runes.

Play as one of the Tarnished: a group of exiles who have now been summoned back to the realm. To bring harmony back to the Lands Between, you must search far and wide to retrieve the remaining Great Runes. Only once you collect them all and restore the Elden Ring can you assume benevolent rule of the realm.

Concept Rating: 5/5


Elden Ring | Credit: FromSoftware and Bandai Namco Entertainment


A Picturesque Fantasy World

For the most part, the world of Elden Ring is gorgeous to look at. The Lands Between realm is a diverse and colorful mystical world, and you'll no doubt find yourself getting lost in the magical setting. With such a vast, open world to explore, you'll experience numerous unique areas, each with its own aesthetic.

Although much of the setting is colorful and picturesque, the game effectively conveys darker themes when appropriate. Much of the mythical realm gives off a subtly dark vibe. The one place the visuals suffer a bit is with close-ups and certain cutscenes; in some of these cases, the quality and detail of the graphics don't hold up quite as well.

Elden Ring features vast fantastical landscapes and shadowy, complex dungeons that are connected seamlessly.

One definitive win for Elden Ring is its soundtrack. The orchestral score beautifully matches the setting. When the scene makes sense for the music to be light and whimsical, it is. Alternatively, to accompany the more grim moments and places, it hits you with a dark, powerful arrangement.

Graphics & Audio Rating: 4/5


Elden Ring | Credit: FromSoftware and Bandai Namco Entertainment


Traversing the Vast Lands

Elden Ring's primary game mode is a third-person, open-world adventure centred around exploring, combat, and storyline progression. If you're familiar with the Souls franchise (Demon Souls and Dark Souls series), Elden Ring offers many of the same RPG elements.

The gameplay begins with a linear section of the main storyline, but after that, you're given some autonomy on how to spend your time. The game features six main areas to explore, many of which are littered with castles, catacombs, and fortresses to explore. You don't have to waste much time walking around, though; instead, you get to travel the expansive map on the back of your trusty steed, Torrent.

An Engaging Combat System

The combat mechanics in Elden Ring blend several tried and true RPG elements. Much of the game's combat is close-ranged melee, in which you'll utilize strategy, magical abilities, and various skills that your character has developed and honed. Stealth, dodging, and blocking mechanics will also be prominent in many of your encounters with the vicious monsters of the Lands Between.

Define your playstyle by experimenting with a wide variety of weapons, magical abilities, and skills found throughout the world.

You'll find yourself getting up close and bloody with a variety of creepy mythical creatures, such as underwater ant-wasps, flying hag-dogs, and many more. During these battles, you'll get to make use of weapons and other items that you've crafted and customized from collected resources.

The most intense tests of combat skill come when you go head to head against the ruling demigods, who serve as the game's main bosses. Each of these fearsome enemies rules their area of the realm, and you must use skill, strength, and strategy to defeat them. When you do, you'll be rewarded with the shard of the Elden Ring that they carry.

Summoning Spirits To Fight For You

Another valuable weapon in your character's arsenal is the ability to summon hidden spirits, who will serve as your allies in battle. These spirits, which include enemies you've previously defeated, can be found throughout the Lands Between.

Online Game Modes

If you crave some variety and want to divert from the single-player story mode, Elden Ring also offers co-op and PvP online play. However, the multiplayer options aren't your typical online gaming.

To play with other people, you have to obtain and make use of specific in-game items. If you have the appropriate tools, you can use them to summon specific or random players to assist your gameplay. Alternatively, you can open yourself up to being summoned by other players or even invade other players' games.

Gameplay Rating: 5/5


Elden Ring | Credit: FromSoftware and Bandai Namco Entertainment


How To Reach the Mysterious Realm

If you're excited to jump into the Lands Between, there's no need to wait around. Elden Ring was released on February 25th, 2022, and you can purchase it for your system of choice for $59.99 through the official game site. The Deluxe Edition, which costs an extra $20, includes a digital artbook and a copy of the game's entire soundtrack.

With the hundreds of hours of gameplay, the vast, immersive open world, and the cinematic feel, it's hard to deny that Elder Ring is worth the investment. As for the Deluxe Edition, it's far from a necessity, but the add-ons are nice collector's items if you don't mind dropping an extra $20.


Elden Ring | Credit: FromSoftware and Bandai Namco Entertainment


Elden Ring Is a Must-Play For RPG Fans

If you're a gamer who enjoys fantasy, action, and role-playing, Elden Ring should be next on your list. The game checks all of the most important boxes for the genre. Within the gameplay, you'll experience deep, fascinating lore, engaging, skill-based combat, a plethora of terrifying enemies, and a vast, beautiful setting to explore.

Elden Ring also does a great job of blending storyline progression and open-world freedom into its gameplay. When you want to focus your energy on defeating bosses and retrieving the Great Runes, you can do just that. However, when you want to roam the world on your horse, collect materials, and strengthen your abilities, you're free to do that as well.

Replay Value Rating: 4/5


The Best Aspects

  • An engaging combat system that requires both skill and strategy.
  • The realm of the Lands Between is diverse and stunning.
  • A variety of terrifying enemies and bosses to take on.
  • Powerful, tone-setting soundtrack.

Could Be Better

  • The visuals become less impressive with close-ups.
  • At times, the massive open world makes finding productive direction difficult.
  • Some of the game's AI characters could be a bit smarter.


Elden Ring | Credit: FromSoftware and Bandai Namco Entertainment



With its fearsome monsters, deep character-building, and a vast open world to explore, Elden Ring offers everything you need in a fantasy RPG.

To return peace to the Lands Between, explore the vast, mystical open-world, and collect the Great Runes to restore the Elden Ring.
Developer FromSoftware Inc.
Price Free
Released 24 February, 2022
Website View site
Publisher BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Version 1.0
Author Eunice
Eunice is a writer living in Vancouver, Canada. She is an avid gamer and loves sharing her reviews with the gaming community.

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