Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek

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100% (1)
Released 12 December, 2018
Website View site
Publisher tinyBuild
Version 1.2

About Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek

Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek - A New Side of The Neighbor

Learn The Neighbor's Terrible, Tragic Background.


The Story Unfolds

[Hello Neighbor](https://abgames.io/hello-neighbor/) fans know the terrible secret lurking in Mr. Petersen's basement. Hide and Seek is the prequel that reveals all the juicy details of the Peterson family before the events of the original [Hello Neighbor](https://abgames.io/hello-neighbor/) take place. Play through five acts and discover what, exactly, drove Mr. Peterson to the edge.


Concept: The Man Behind the Madness

What happens when a family faces not just one but two untimely events? Find out how Theodore Peterson reacts when his life falls apart before his eyes in the 4/5 prequel concept.

The concept of this game is to give players a glimpse into the past. Hide and Seek continues building the world that the original game started. Follow the tragedies of the Peterson family from the perspective of Aaron and Mya, the son and daughter.


Graphics and Audio: Quintessentially Hello Neighbor

The Petersons' home is clearly recognizable from past games. Relive spooky moments from the original but in a softer light. The hallways hold memories of untold sadness.

Hide and Seek pulls back the blanket of darkness and replaces it with a quilt of child-like fantasy.

Explore new areas as the Peterson children play hide and seek, like the rushing river-- complete with chirping wildlife and bellowing water beneath giant cliffs. There's no shortage of good-looking and sounding zones. If you're a fan of the art style of [Hello Neighbor](https://abgames.io/hello-neighbor/), you'll find these 4/5 fresh updates right up your alley.


Gameplay: Play as Aaron and Mya

For the bulk of the game, Aaron and Mya are left in the dark about what's happening. You infer a lot of what is going on based on what you don't see. As the name implies, hide and seek is a major part of the gameplay. Mya loves her stuffed animals, so you'll regularly see them used as props.

The kids use their imaginations to create fantastic scenes. You might jump from the safari to a warzone in the blink of an eye. As the story progresses, the landscapes the children create become more and more depressing.

There are five complete stages. Each one has particular objectives that the kids must meet. Then, the story continues. Follow the tragic twists and turns, watching Aaron and Mya try to cope with the terrible events that unfold in their little lives.

The gameplay is incredibly smooth, with the story-telling explicit enough for everyone to enjoy. There's plenty of secrets for those die-hard [Hello Neighbor](https://abgames.io/hello-neighbor/) fans, as well. It earns a solid 4/5 for adding a meat and potatoes background to Mr. Peterson in the franchise.


It's Mr. Peterson's Mad World Now

Hello Neighbor: Hide and Seek is one heck of a journey. Without providing too many spoilers, the game is a sorrowful story. It provides all of the answers to questions that you've had about Mr. Peterson, the insane neighbor from the original Hello Neighbor.

Learn what led to the secret in his basement. Also, get an elegant gameplay experience in the fantasy worlds that Aaron and Mya, the Peterson children, create.



Hello Neighbor: Hide, and Seek is the prequel story of Theodore Peterson and the tragedy that befalls his young family.


hello neighbor hide and seek
Hello Neighbor: Hide, and Seek is the prequel story of Theodore Peterson and the tragedy that befalls his young family.
Developer Dynamic Pixels
Price Free
Released 12 December, 2018
Website View site
Publisher tinyBuild
Version 1.2
Author Cait
Cait (she/her) is a passionate writer, aspiring developer, and lover of all things gaming.

© 2021, Dynamic Pixels. Dynamic Pixels logo, Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek, the Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek logo, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Dynamic Pixels. in the United States of America and elsewhere. All rights reserved.