
100% (0)
Released 8 April, 2017
Website View site
Publisher Keiwan Donyagard
Version 2.0

About Evolution

Developed by Keiwan Donyagard, Evolution is a creative simulation video game, available for the Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android, and iOS operating systems. Using a set of basic anatomical components and a neurological network create a creature of your own design. With luck, your creature will evolve and be able to accomplish various tasks such as running, jumping, maneuvering around obstacles, and climbing.


Evolution Features

Evolution uses artificial intelligence to bring your creation to life. The Artificial intelligence engine replicates how your creature will move in real time with added joints and customizable neural network. Players can choose from five foundation characters that can jump, crawl or pounce. Increase these abilities by adding additional joints and muscles. Build as big a creature your imagination will allow then watch it come alive with the evolve button. Finally, test your simulation with different actions like obstacle jumping, and climbing. Other features include:

  • Save and replay creatures for viewing later.
  • Simulate multiple creations at one time.
  • Customize neural network size.
  • Adjust simulation settings.
  • Receive real-time stats on your creations performance.

The goal of Evolution is to build a simulated creature that can complete all tasks and reach 100%. The more generations your creature moves through the further your creature will evolve. For example, a jumping frog could end up moving like a wolf. In fact, not one creature moves the same.

Evolution simulator game
Use joints, bones, and muscles to build creatures that are only limited by your imagination. enable your creatures to "learn" and improve at their given tasks all on their own. Watch how the combination of a neural network and genetic algorithm work.
Developer Keiwan Donyagard
Price Free
Google Store App Store
Released 8 April, 2017
Website View site
Publisher Keiwan Donyagard
Version 2.0
Author Alek
Alek is a Vancouver Island-based writer and gaming enthusiast who enjoys everything from RPGs to RTS games.

© 2021, Keiwan Donyagard. Keiwan Donyagard logo, Evolution, the Evolution logo, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Keiwan Donyagard. in the United States of America and elsewhere. All rights reserved.