Mayhem in Single Valley

100% (0)
Released 20 May, 2021
Website View site
Publisher tinyBuild
Version 4.0.0

About Mayhem in Single Valley

Mayhem in Single Valley - Home is Where the Heart Is... And Also, the Apocalypse

It’s All Fun and Games Until the Radioactive Squirrels Show Up



Action-Adventure Meets Simulator

Ever wonder what it's like to cause the end of the world by accident? Mayhem in Single Valley, the latest from tinyBuild and Fluxscopic Ltd., tells the story of Jack. Jack is typical, albeit pretty unlucky; he's a kid with a slingshot and a nose for serious trouble. Protect Jack's hometown and make it home in time for supper with the family in this adorable action-platformer. It's packed with puzzles, too, so bring your thinking cap!

Mayhem in Single Valley is available for PC via Steam, Epic Games, and GOG.


Mayhem in Single Valley | Credit: tinyBuild and Fluxscopic Ltd.


Apocalypse Doesn't Mean the End

Mayhem in Single Valley is a whirlwind of action. That's only the surface, though. This little game stuffs in one heck of a story about family, the past, and the future. Jack's town is by no means perfect. However, his desire to protect it means you go to great lengths. Fight radioactive squirrels, zombies, and more-- all in the name of saving Jack's world.

Combining action with adventure is nothing new, but Mayhem in Single Valley lets you ask the important questions. Do you have to murder every monster, or is there more than meets the eye?

Do radioactive squirrels still love nuts?

Blending so many concepts is tricky but is solidly executed in Mayhem. It earns a 5/5.

Concept Rating: 5/5


Mayhem in Single Valley | Credit: tinyBuild and Fluxscopic Ltd.


Cute Can Be Dangerous

The apocalypse has a lot going on in Mayhem in Single Valley. That doesn't slow the game down for a second, though! The top-down perspective keeps you on the hunt for all those pixely collectibles scattered throughout the world. Explore areas populated by zombified 16-bit baddies while rocking your cassette player.

Radioactive pixelated squirrels are equal parts appalling and adorable.

The cassette player is how you bop to tunes in Mayhem. There are different cassette tapes scattered around the world. Finding new ones lets you switch up the retro tunes. It's a clever addition that keeps things fresh as Jack delves head-first into the oncoming apocalypse.

The graphics and audio are unique and charming, earning a 4/5. Radioactive pixelated squirrels are equal parts appalling and adorable. It's an impressive balance that Mayhem strikes, all without trying too hard.

Graphics & Audio Rating: 4/5


Mayhem in Single Valley | Credit: tinyBuild and Fluxscopic Ltd.


Combat Isn't Just Weapons

So, Jack isn't some macho man with guns to slay all of these apocalyptic monsters. He's merely a mischievous kid with big dreams and one heck of a slingshot arm. Get creative during combat or sometimes avoid it altogether. The choices Jack makes depend entirely on the situation and what the environment's hiding. Try luring monsters away from vulnerable little old ladies with your tasty flesh, then collapsing some rocks on their heads! Or run away from them once your elderly damsel is out of harm's way.

Mayhem in Single Valley blends action with puzzles seamlessly...

Mayhem in Single Valley blends action with puzzles seamlessly like this over and over. It sprinkles in a heavy dose of the over-arching theme as well: even though home feels stifling, it's still home. Jack goes to great lengths to protect his home, despite his eagerness to escape from his annoying brother, jerky dad, and boring town. The biggest drawback is that once you finish a section, it's pretty hard to go back. Best to not leave any stone unturned!

Overall, Mayhem has an entertaining story, thoughtful use of puzzles for combat, and themes.

Talk to the weirdos living in this world and learn more about its past and present. Discover secrets and unlock collectibles by scouring for hidden paths and tunnels. Complete side quests that pop up in the different zones to unlock upgrade materials for speed and backpack space. Overall, Mayhem earns a 4/5 for its entertaining story, thoughtful use of puzzles for combat, and themes.

Gameplay Rating: 4/5


Mayhem in Single Valley | Credit: tinyBuild and Fluxscopic Ltd.


tinyBuild's Latest Success

This game asks the question: what lengths would one kid go to to protect his home from the end of the world? It also answers that question: a whole Helluva lot. Experience the coming apocalypse for yourself and help Jack protect his home in an action game with car chases and zombies, all before the dinner bell!

Replay Value Rating: 3/5


Mayhem in Single Valley | Credit: tinyBuild and Fluxscopic Ltd.



Mayhem in Single Valley is an adventure puzzle game about saving your family and your hometown from the apocalypse... that you started.

Mayhem in Single Valley is an epic adventure about saving your family and your hometown from the apocalypse... that you started.
Developer Fluxscopic Ltd.
Price Free
Released 20 May, 2021
Website View site
Publisher tinyBuild
Version 4.0.0
Author Eunice
Eunice is a writer living in Vancouver, Canada. She is an avid gamer and loves sharing her reviews with the gaming community.

© 2021, Fluxscopic Ltd.. Fluxscopic Ltd. logo, Mayhem in Single Valley, the Mayhem in Single Valley logo, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fluxscopic Ltd.. in the United States of America and elsewhere. All rights reserved.